Veteran in ARCIL’s Travel Voucher Program

“I came to ARCIL after I went to the Travis County Counseling and Education Resource Fair. I am a re-entry so I was homeless sleeping under bridges, hungry with no money and no transportation. I am a veteran but when I called the VA I could not get any assistance and I tried calling a lot of times but I could not find anyone to help me. I met with Ms. Hope and she told me about ARCIL’S Travel Voucher Program and said I could qualify for free bus passes. She said I could use it to go to my job, medical & housing appointments. I completed an application and was eligible to receive a bus pass for the next 3 months. I kept coming every day to see Ms. Hope for a job and a place to live. One day we made a phone call for me to get a place to live and I was told they had an opening. I went and they accepted me for housing. During the next couple of days I was offered a job. I called Ms. Hope and told her “Thank You” for the bus passes; if I had not had the bus pass I would not have been able to get housing or a job. I like the fact that they will help me for the next couple of months because this will let me save my money to buy a bus pass on my own. Now I have a place to live and a job and that is a great start.”